PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – To enhance palm oil governance comprehensively, the government issued President’s Instruction Number 6/2019 on the Sustainable Palm Oil National Action Plan (Rencana Aksi Nasional Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan / RAN KSB) for the period 2019-2024. This policy mandates 14 ministries/institutions, 26 provincial governments, and 217 regencies designated as palm oil plantation centers to implement RAN KSB programs.
Comprising 5 components, 28 programs, 92 activities, and 118 outputs, the regulation addresses data reinforcement, infrastructure and coordination enhancement, capacity building for planters, environmental monitoring, dispute management, acceleration of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification, and enhancement of palm oil product market access.
“The programs and activities outlined in the policy aim to facilitate stakeholders and planters in achieving ISPO certification as mandatory,” remarked Coordinator Minister of the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, during the Sustainable Palm Oil National Action Plan meeting on Thursday (28/03/2024). As in the official statement to, ISPO certification realization after RAN KSB president’s instruction was published, 883 companies and 52 unions/groups cumulatively got it.
Also Read: Advancing Sustainable Palm Oil: Improving the National Action Plan with the Cabinet Secretariat
Besides ISPO certification, the other policy that would be the main part in RAN KSB president’s instruction is smallholders replanting program (SRP). The government accelerated it by simplifying proposal process. SRP realization just covered 50.000 hectares/year in average or 28% of 180.000 hectares/year. In cumulative from 2017 to 24 March 2024, the government distributed SRP fund for about Rp 9,25 trillion with 331.007 hectares in total.
To support SRP acceleration, Airlangga told the allocation plan to get SRP fund from Rp 30 million/hectare to be Rp 60 million/hectare, get only 3 conditions from 6 ones to propose SRP, ease verification process, and SRP proposal process would be simpler.
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Besides, he also encouraged to get supports and cooperation with related regional governemnts to RAN KSB implementation by preparing whatever it needs to accelerate the arrangement and implementation of Rencana Aksi Daerah Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAD KSB) in each area.
Airlangga continued until now 9 provinces have got RAD KSB, they are, North Sumatera, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatera, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and West Sulawesi. (T2)