Sampoerna Kayoe inaugurated Ecotourism in Jambi: Fulfilling Environmental Commitment

Dok. Istimewa

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAMBI – In the commemoration day of the World Environment and Biodiversity day, Sampoerna Kayoe (PT Sumber Graha Sejahtera), the biggest wood producer in Indonesia and one of the biggest in the world, inaugurated Ecotourism in Rimbo Ulu, Tebo, Jambi Province, as part of its commitment to conserve the environment.

Ecotourism development by Sampoerna Kayoe which was wrapped in conservation program, called “Lestarikan Bumi, Mulai dengan Aksi” should escalate the people’s awareness about the significance of conservation and bio-diversity.

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On World Environment and Biodiversity Day, Sampoerna Kayoe (PT Sumber Graha Sejahtera), the largest wood producer in Indonesia and one of the largest in the world, inaugurated an Ecotourism project in Rimbo Ulu, Tebo, Jambi Province. This initiative is a part of the company’s dedicated efforts to preserve and conserve the environment.

The development of Ecotourism by Sampoerna Kayoe, which is intertwined with their conservation program called “Lestarikan Bumi, Mulai dengan Aksi” (Preserve the Earth, Start with Action), aims to raise public awareness about the importance of conservation and biodiversity.

To sustainably realize ecotourism, Sampoerna Kayoe is in cooperation with Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) Sari Mulyo. The collaboration with local farmers is about to develop ecotourism facility which promotes not only biodiversity but also maintains the local cultural heritage.

The inauguration was attended by the representatives from Jambi Province, Environment and Transportation Agency District of Tebo, Forestry Agency Jambi Province, Labor Insurance Agency of western Jambi, and the management of Sampoerna Kayoe.

Commercial Director of Sampoerna Kayoe, Edward Tombokan was happy for the program. “We are very enthusiastic for this event. We do hope ecotourism program would deliver advantages for environment conservation, empowerment, and education,” he said.

The facility is one of our commitments to implement sustainable and responsible forest management, create strong manifestation to conserve the nature and local culture to learn that conservation and biodiversity are important to maintain the sustainability of nature.

“Hopefully, ecotourism could be sustainable inspiration, magnet of natural tourism for the people around, and would be taken for advantages for the people in Rimbo Ulu, Tebo in the future,” he said, as in the official statement to PALMOILMAGAZINE, Thursday (8/6/2023).

As the realization of commitment, Sampoerna Kayoe also actively plays roles to distribute kinds of multipurpose tree species (MPTS), such as, durian, petai, matoa and rambutan rafia for about 200 trees. Besides, Sampoerna Kayoe also contributed to distribute 1.000 parrot fish to escalate kinds of water ecosystem in high conservation values.

It is hoped that the distribution would escalate kinds of ecosystem in high conservation values and becomes part of Sampoerna Kayoe to maintain environmental sustainability and biodiversity in Rimbo Ulu, Tebo.

Just like the latest tagline of Sampoerna Kayoe “Sustainable Tomorrow Starts Today” the company believed, what we do today would determine the future. This is the consideration to encourage commitment of Sampoerna Kayoe to conserve the earth, maintain the future, and environment. (T4)

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