Minister SYL: Reinforce Participative Plantations and Replanting

Palm Oil Magazine
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PALMOILMAGAZINE, SERDANG BEDAGAI – Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL), expedited the Smallholders Replanting Program (SRP) within the Serdang Bedagai District of North Sumatra Province. This effort was carried out through participatory plantations initiatives like Perkebunan Partisipatif (PASTI), Kelapa Sawit Tumpang Sari Tanaman Sela (KESATRIA), and Taksi Alat Mesin Perkebunan (TITAN).

In the pursuit of implementing the intercrop program, SYL introduced a strategic approach by interplanting palm oil trees alongside corn crops, a measure designed to boost the income of smallholders during periods of El Nino occurrence.

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SYL emphasized the necessity for various regions to accelerate the development of agricultural commodities as a proactive response to the impacts of El Nino. He highlighted the significance of palm oil cultivation, given its enduring demand and the anticipation of future increases in its value.

Also Read : Minister SYL: SRP has Proven to be Instrumental in Helping Smallholders Enhance the Quality and Sustainability

“The world needs palm oil. Our country needs to produce biodiesel and other needs. From the intercrops with palm oil, it would escalate the villagers’ welfare and the nation itself. We have to succeed it,” he said in his visit in palm oil plantation in Dusun IV, Village of Bahsidua Dua, Sub district of Serbajadi, District of Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatera Province, Friday, (4/8/2023).

He also said, the breakthrough of PASTI would escalate the quality of agricultural plantation and could compete. Besides it would create and get new investment by delivering easiness (of investment), such as, easy to get superior varieties, export information, promotion, and others.

“Palm oil plantations in Serdang Bedagai are great. The central and regional government, the other stakeholders (the companies) are involved to conduct replanting program,” he said, as in the official statement to, Friday (4/8/2023).

SYL also emphasized that palm oil is the main commodity in Indonesia and it needs synergy among plantation companies and planters. It can be done by having partnership between big plantation companies and the smallholders. This would be the key to optimize production and productivity of the plantations.

“President Joko Widodo really urged to notice that today should be better (than yesterday). In the future should always be better. Every party should get involved and prepare seeds, chip the old trees, and plant intercrops,” he said.

SYL mentioned, SRP should not be taken as how to replant old or unproductive trees but should create innovation, optimize area resources, and empower smallholders by optimizing every potential, such as, intercrops with corn, bean, horticulture, and animals. (T2)

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