PALMOILMAGAZINE, TANAH LAUT – Central Kalimantan Province is making continuous efforts to boost paddy production by implementing innovative strategies, particularly by optimizing land use and expanding cultivation through intercropping, notably between paddy and palm oil. Suparmi, the Head of the Plantation and Livestock Agency of Central Kalimantan Province, visited an example of this method in Tanah Laut on Wednesday, April 17th.
“We have planted gogo paddy as part of smallholders’ palm oil replanting program covering approximately 100 hectares, with 50 hectares set for imminent harvest,” he stated, as reported by Antara on Friday, April 19th, 2024.
This program underscores Central Kalimantan Province’s genuine commitment to achieving food security, not only within the region but also in preparation for the designation of Kalimantan as the future capital city of Indonesia (Ibu Kota Nusantara – IKN). Suparmi further explained that the intercropping initiative would not be limited to paddy and palm oil but would also include other crops such as rubber, coconut, and more.
Also Read: Stakeholders and Faculty Deans Conduct Field Visit for Palm Oil – Cow Integrated Program at PT SISKA
He said that the concept would be the same with the Decision of Minister of Agriculture Number 194/KPTS/OT.050/M/03/2024 about Food Emergency Anticipation Task Force. “In specific, it has something to do with plantation area preparation and the candidates of smallholders and location that would get the same program – to multiply paddy plantations,” he said.
By having wide plantations in the province, it is hoped to optimize intercrops between paddy and palm oil to deliver maximal result to support food security locally and nationally. (T2)