PALMOILMAGAZINE, BEKASI – In the hall of Politeknik Kelapa Sawit Citra Widya Edukasi (Poltek Kelapa Sawit CWE), hundreds of graduates celebrated their official graduation. Nugroho Kristono, the Director of Poltek Kelapa Sawit CWE, expressed pride in the graduates for successfully completing their studies, many of whom will begin their careers in palm oil plantation companies.
Notably, 54 graduates, or 36% of the total, secured jobs before officially graduating. Several major palm oil companies have already recruited them: PT. Hartono Plantation Indonesia hired 22 graduates, Gunas Grup took in 11, while PT. Triputra Agro Persada and PT. Grand Utama Mandiri each recruited 5. Additionally, Musim Mas Grup hired 4 graduates, PT. Damai Plantation recruited 3, PT. Kalimantan Agro Persada brought in 2, and KPN Plantation and BCA each hired 1 graduate.
“The recruitment process is ongoing, and we hope that the number of graduates from Poltek Kelapa Sawit CWE entering the workforce continues to grow,” Nugroho stated during the graduation ceremony, which attended on Saturday (10/5/2024).
This year, Poltek Kelapa Sawit CWE graduated a total of 152 students across various programs: 37 from Diploma IV in Plantation Plant Production Technology, 42 from Diploma III in Palm Oil Plantation Cultivation, 38 from the Diploma in Plantation Product Processing, and 35 from Management Logistics. Nugroho also noted that 46 graduates achieved Cum Laude honors.
He also emphasized the graduation day should not be the end of the journey. The academic title should be the symbol of the responsibility both at work and in the society. “The work waits for your contribution. The title is not acknowledgement of your capability but should be the commitment to keep learning and developing,” he said.
Idik Nursidik, the representative of Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) Region IV, West Java and Banten delivered significant message for the graduates that it would be significant to get adaptation capability in the developing technology adaptation. “You should master not only technical sectors but also should be critical, creative, and wise to take advantages on every technology,” Idik said.
He also said it would be significant to get strong character and integrity at work for being more competitive. “Technology could change the way we work but character and integrity would be the foundation and should be the consideration,” he said.
Idik also appreciated Poltek Kelapa Sawit CWE for its contribution to increase the educational quality by hoping that the universities should always innovate, collaborate with the industries and confirm the consistency to increase the lecturers’ quality and academic managements.
The graduation day should not be the commemoration on academic achievement only but also the invitation to keep in process. The graduates of Poltek Kelapa Sawit CWE should be ready to face the challenges at their work with the spirit of responsibility, care, and integrity, just like in CWE to keep the educational quality in more complex palm oil industrial dynamic. (P2)