PALMOILMAGAZINE, SINTANG, WEST KALIMANTAN – The Government of Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan, gave appreciation in the form of awards to 93 development partners who had contributed in various fields in 2024. The awards were presented at the “Night of Development Partner Awards (MPA)” event held at the Regent’s Hall on Monday, December 16, 2024.
The Solidaridad Network Indonesia (Solidaridad) Foundation was one of the awardees, winning two categories at once, namely Popular Economy and Governance. The award was presented directly by the newly elected Vice Regent of Sintang, Florensius Ronny.
The Development Partner Award is given to various parties who are considered to have made a significant contribution to the development progress of Sintang Regency. Award recipients include companies, non-governmental institutions, media, and civil society organizations such as Solidaridad.
This event is a form of appreciation from the Sintang District Government to development partners who have supported the local government in various sectors, including infrastructure, education, health, people’s economy, institutional governance, environment, and other sectors.
“We would like to thank the Sintang District Government for their trust and cooperation over the past 10 years. Appreciation and awards to Solidaridad show good synergy between the Sintang District government and development partners, as a form of contribution to sectoral development, especially in the sustainable oil palm plantation sector. Through inclusive programs for independent smallholders, empowerment of farmer groups and the community economy, especially women and young people. We hope that the government of Sintang Regency will continue to support and continue this cooperation, so that the community can gain experience, learning and readiness towards Indonesia Emas 2040, especially in achieving the noble ideals of Sintang Regency, namely the realization of a Smart, Healthy, Advanced, Religious and Prosperous Sintang Regency Community, “explained Yeni Fitriyanti, Country Manager of Solidaridad in a statement received by on Thursday, December 18, 2024.
Solidaridad has partnered with the Sintang District Government since 2015 in various programs, including; assistance to independent palm oil farmers for sustainable palm oil certification, financial literacy training, strengthening cooperative and farmer group institutions, increasing alternative income for palm oil farmers, assisting communities to protect gupung / customary forests through forest decrees, green village initiatives, strengthening the capacity of small business units for women and young people, and so on.
Sintang District MPA activities have been carried out for five consecutive years. Previously, the Mitra Pembangunan Award/MPA was titled Corporate Sustainable Responsilibity/CSR Award, in 2023 the name changed to MPA on the grounds that the parties who contributed significantly to the progress of Sintang district were not only the private sector through social responsibility funds, but also many civil society organizations such as Solidaridad. In addition to Sintang District, Solidaridad has also established partnerships and collaborative programs with the district governments of Sekadau, Sanggau, Landak, and Bengkayang, in the same sectors. (P3)