PFMA Grants Rp 313.9 Billion in Scholarships to 2000 Students in 2023

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – In recent days, the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) has entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the Palm Oil Plantation Human Resource Development Program in 2023.

The MoU encompasses collaboration with 13 educational institutions, including entities such as Akademi Komunitas Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Politeknik LPP Yogyakarta, Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia, Politeknik Kelapa Sawit Citra Widya Edukasi, Politeknik Kampar, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Sekolah Vokasi Institut Pertanian Bogor, Politeknik ATI Padang, Politeknik Teknologi Kimia Industri Medan, Politeknik Aceh, Institut Pertanian Stiper, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Medan, and Institut Teknologi Perkebunan Pelalawan.

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Director of PFMA, Eddy Abdurrachman agreed to deliver fund support in the MoU with 13 educational institutions that would be running in many years, starting from Diploma (D)1, D2, D3, D4, and undergraduate (S1). The numbers of fund reached Rp 313,9 billion for 2000 students to get scholarship.

Also Read : PFMA : January – June 2023 CPO Fund Reached Rp 15,44 Trillion

As in the official statement to, Wednesday (2/8/2023), the government through PFMA contributed to develop palm oil plantation human resources through two programs, they are, Education and Training. Education program (scholarship) has been running since 2016. At the time, PFMA was in cooperation with 3 educational institutions, they were, INSTIPER, Politeknik Kelapa Sawit CWE and LPP for D1 and D3 program.

As time went by, Education Program that develops well, since 2019, there has been D4 program and since 2022 there has been undergraduate program. Educational institutions in cooperation with PFMA got more. In 2023, they now reach 13 institutions. (T2)

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