Director of PFMA: Dispelling Misconceptions about Palm Oil

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. PFMA / Eddy Abdurrachman, the Director of the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA)

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Palm oil has often been categorized as an environmentally unfriendly commodity. However, this perception is not entirely accurate. Addressing this misconception requires some key considerations.

Eddy Abdurrachman, the Director of the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA), emphasized that the Indonesian Government has actively engaged with trade issues related to palm oil in various countries and international institutions, including the World Trade Organization (WTO). The PFMA has been dedicated to ensuring that palm oil is not labeled as a high-risk commodity.

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Eddy pointed out that Indonesian palm oil is currently confronted with significant challenges, notably the forthcoming implementation of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). This regulation mandates that all commodities sold within the European Union must be sourced from deforestation-free origins.

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Meanwhile, palm oil is taken as a commodity which derived from deforestation. Eddy said, the negative perception happened for some combinations between misunderstanding about palm oil and how it was developed, including how negative campaigns get more intensive.

That is why the government of Indonesia encouraged to establish joint task force before EUDR implementation. “We met the government of European Union, discussed EUDR through the joint task force. The implementation should also consider the condition of developing countries,” he said in Advokasi Sawit that joined in Jakarta. (T2)

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