Attorney Interviews Four Witnesses Regarding Assumptions of Corruption in PFMA

Palm Oil Magazine

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The Attorney, utilizing the services of the Investigation Prosecutor within the Directorate of Investigation under the Deputy Attorney for Special Crimes, found it necessary to interrogate four witnesses regarding alleged corruption within the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) during the years 2015 to 2022.

These witnesses held significant roles within the chain of activities associated with fund management. Among them is NP, who served as the Secretary of the Vegetable Fuel Procurement Evaluation Team in 2015 within the General Directorate of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

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The second, RDM who is the Treasurer of Asosiasi Produsen Bahan Bakar Nabati (Aprobi); the third, CADT as a private worker as Head of Biodiesel Commercial at PT Wilmar Bio Energi Indonesia, PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, and PT Multi Nabati Sulawesi.

Also Read : Utilizing infrastructure funds from PFMA to Upgrade the Roadways

The fourth, TSU as President Director of PT Petro Andalan Nusantara and Head Business Biodiesel at PT Wilmar Bio Energi Indonesia, PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, and Multi Nabati Sulawesi.

Questioning the witnesses was taken as integral part of the Attorney to reinforce every evidence in the case and complete documents needed. The prosecutor team firmly stated that every phase is crucial thing to confirm that justice would be served. “Questioning the witnesses is part of what the Attorney does to reinforce evidences in this case and to complete documents needed,” Prosecutor Team of the Attorney said, as InfoSAWIT quote from the official page of Indonesian Attorney, Thursday (28/9/2023).

Head of Legal Information Center also mentioned that the investigation process is the important thing to get legal integrity served and hoped that every process would run fair to serve the justice. People and legal institutions would monitor this case so that every process runs transparently and fair. (T2)

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