FPSI and PFMA Conduct Coaching Clinic for Sustainable Palm Oil Development

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PALMOILMAGAZINE, MUSI BANYUASIN – From October 13th to 15th, 2023, the Forum Pemuda Sawit Indonesia (FPSI) collaborated with the Palm Oil Fund Plantation Management Agency (PFMA) to organize a coaching clinic attended by 200 participants.

These participants, comprising both men and women, hailed from the Sub-district of Sungai Lilin, located in the District of Musi Banyuasin within the South Sumatera Province.

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Hendro Kartiko, Chairman of FPSI, emphasized that the primary objective of the coaching clinic was to provide inspiration and a profound understanding to the young generation of smallholders, enabling them to engage in the sustainable development of the palm oil industry.

“To realize the goal, coaching clinic was designed to deliver deep understanding for young generations as smallholders about agronomy aspects, area legal, and sustainable principles in palm oil industries,” he said, as in the official statement to Palmoilmagazine.com, Monday, (16/10/2023).

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He continued, young generations should play significant roles to cultivate their plantations in good agricultural practices and have legal in sustainable principles.

The participants in the event were enthusiastic to deliver positive changes in palm oil industries. They got golden chances to listen to and interact with experienced experts in agricultural aspects and sustainability in palm oil sectors. There were many sessions in the coaching clinic, such as, delivering understanding about the best sustainable practices, agronomy cultivation, area ownership legal, replanting, and sustainable principles.

One important aspect discussed in the event was the roles of palm oil to develop and against negative stigma about palm oil industries. The participants got chances to share their experiences with the alumni that got scholarship from Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) in 2019 who also delivered the ways to get PFMA scholarship selection.

“In the event many inspirational stories were told about the success of replanting program for smallholders in Musi Banyuasin. These are the evidences that sustainable palm oil development is not dream only but also can be realized with spirits, knowledge, and determination. It is hoped that young generations as smallholders could continue their parents’ plantations with knowledge they got from the coaching clinic,” he said.

Not only getting knowledge from the event, the participants got chance to discuss, share experiences, develop network with others. This would be significant to develop the better community which supports one to another in their journey to get and have sustainable palm oil production.

“When we discuss about preparing young generations as smallholders, we actually speak about investing their future. They are our biggest assets. They would get direction and journey of the future palm oil industries. That is why as FPSI, we should deliver the strong base for their bright future to get,” Hendro said. (T2)

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