Informing Mukomuko High School Students: Palm Oil Industries and 2024 Scholarship Opportunities

palm oil magazine
The attendees of the "Sawit Baik Goes to School" program in three high schools within the Mukomuko District from January 11 to 13, 2024. Photo by: PFMA

PALMOILMAGAZINE, MUKOMUKO – A total of 450 12th-grade high school students in the Mukomuko District actively participated in the “Sawit Baik Goes to School” program held in three high schools—SMAN 06 Mukomuko, SMAN 10 Mukomuko, and SMAN 13 Mukomuko—from January 11 to 13, 2024. This initiative received support from the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA).

Under the theme “Menjaga Sawit Berkelanjutan dengan Menumbuhkan Rasa Cinta Sawit Baik Sejak Dini” (Sustaining Palm Oil by Cultivating a Love for Responsible Palm Oil from an Early Age), the event aimed to provide educational insights to the younger generation on the significance of sustainable and responsible palm oil practices. Various informative and interactive activities were organized to achieve this goal.

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“Sawit Baik Goes to School” was also supported by many parties, such as, Education Agency of Bengkulu Province Region IV, members of Bengkulu Legislators, Chairman of Mukomuko Legislators, Plantation Agency District of Mukomuko, and expert staff of manager of PT Agro Muko as the speaker.

Also Read: PFMA Grants Rp 313.9 Billion in Scholarships to 2000 Students

Chairman of Forum Pemuda Sawit Indonesia (FPSI), Hendro Kartiko said that through the event, young generations got equal information and chances to get palm oil scholarship. “Particularly the children of smallholders who got achievement but could not continue their education to university,” Hendro said, as in the official statement to, Monday (15/1/2024).

He also told that the children of smallholders who want to work as smallholders would get technical skills and knowledge about good agricultural practices and agronomy. This is the same with the support to develop sustainable palm oil plantations.

The enthusiastic participants in “Sawit Baik Goes to School” in District of Mukomuko successfully created new awareness and positive spirit to maintain sustainable palm oil this would be the new beginning to develop young generations that care about environment and would positively contribute for the future and sustainable agriculture. (T2)

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