PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) successfully completed the selection process and proposal assessment following the announcement made by the Director of PFMA under Number PENG-7/DPKS/2023 on 8th December 2023.
Consequently, PFMA has identified training institutions that meet the specified criteria as institutions designated to enhance human resources development within the palm oil plantation sector in 2024.
From the official statement to released on Saturday (24/2/2024), the institution are Balai Besar Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (BBPMKP) Ciawi; Balai Pelatihan Pertanian Jambi, PT. LPP Agro Nusantara, PT. Citra Widya Education, PT. Best Planter Indonesia, PT. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara (PPKS), PT. Koompasia Enviro Institute, PT. Sumberdaya Indonesia Berjaya, PT. Iskol Agridaya Internasional, Balai Besar Pelatihan Pertanian (BBPP) Binuang, Yayasan Pendidikan Perkebunan Yogyakarta (YPPY), PT. Daya Guna Lestari, PT. Forestcitra Sejahtera (Mutu Institute), PT. Global Scholarship Service (IPBTraining), and Akademi Komunitas Perkebunan Yogyakarta (AKPY).
Also Read: PFMA Signed MoU of Palm Oil Plantation Human Resource with 24 Institutions
In the official documents of PFMA Number PENG-1/DPKS/2024, it mentioned that the announcement is final and no more claim. The participants per kind of trining would be regulated in the Decision of Director of PFMA that would be delivered in the first chance.
The trainings would be about many aspects in palm oil plantation, such as, palm oil cultivation technic, including the harvest and post-harvest technic; infrastructure management; location map technic, management to reinforce institution/organization, entrepreneurship that covers financial management and administration, things to support Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification.
The decision is a significant thing to escalate human resource quality in palm oil plantation sector and should positively deliver impacts to escalate plantation productivity and sustainability in these industries. (T2)