Collaboration between Bengkalis District and PFMA to Improve Oil Palm Plantation Infrastructure

palm oil magazine
PFMA and Regency of Bengkalis signed MoU to support palm oil plantations. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, BENGKALIS – The Bengkalis Regency, in collaboration with the Plantation Agency and the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA), has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enhance palm oil plantation infrastructure within the region.

Regent of Bengkalis, also serving as the Head of the Plantation Agency, Mohammad Azmir, encourages residents, particularly smallholders, to fully utilize the assistance provided by the government through PFMA. This support aims to improve both the infrastructure and quality of their plantations.

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The budget allocated in the MoU will be utilized for various purposes, including infrastructure enhancement, improving plantation quality, supplying fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, production equipment, post-harvest tools, transportation, establishing market infrastructure, and obtaining technical verification (for Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil/ISPO certification).

Also Read: Bengkalis Strategic Path to Ensuring the Welfare of its Residents

Assistance will be channeled through smallholder organizations such as groups and cooperatives. Azmir also emphasizes that smallholders should submit their infrastructure needs through proposal applications available on the official website of the Bengkalis Regency.

“Besides, they could directly contact the technical unit of plantation development and seeding or have consultation with Regency of Bengkalis Plantation Agency,” he said, as quoted from the official page of Regency of Bengkalis, Sunday (28/4/2024).

Azmir also emphasized, every proposal would be from the smallholders nd would be developed by the agency. The goal is about to escalate plantation productivity and production, escalate the smallholders’ welfare which would be the same as the vision and mission of the Regency of Bengkalis; Go forward and be Better. (T2)

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