IPB, PFMA, and Agriculture Ministry Hold Palm Oil HR Training in Central Sulawesi

palm oil magazine
IPB, PFMA, and Directorate of Plantations Conduct Palm Oil HR Training in Central Sulawesi from 27 May to 31 May 2024. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, PALU The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) and the General Directorate of Plantation, Ministry of Agriculture, in collaboration with Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Training, conducted a palm oil human resource (HR) training in Central Sulawesi Province. The five-day training, held from May 27 to May 31, 2024, took place at Swiss-Belhotel Silae Palu and included 84 smallholders from North Morowali.

The training was inaugurated on Monday, May 27, 2024, in the Swiss-Belhotel Ballroom. Notable attendees included Delis Julkarson Hehi, Regent of North Morowali; Simpra Tajang, Head of Production and Plantation Plant Protection, Plantation and Livestock Agency of Central Sulawesi Province; Jasrion Ampugo, Head of Food and Agriculture Agency of North Morowali; Eva Lizarmi, Chairman of the Secretariat of Palm Oil Plantation HR Development; and Eka Herrisuparman, Coordinator of Profession Certification Standardization.

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Hariyadi, a representative from IPB, expressed hope that the training would enhance the knowledge, insights, and skills of the smallholders in palm oil plantation cultivation.

Also Read: PFMA and Directorate of Plantations Collaborate on Palm Oil Cultivation Training

“By this training, the smallholders’ knowledge and skills would be more and palm oil production and planting would be more optimal and compete in the globe,” he said, as in the official statement to Palmoilmagazine.com , Saturday (1/5/2024).

Meanwhile, Eva Lizarmi that represented General Director of Plantation said that the training for the smallholders had been escalated from 10.000 to be 30.000 participants. “The training for smallholders is needed still to escalate palm oil plantation production and productivity and they should get skills and knowledge which are the same with good agricultural practices,” she said.

Regent of North Morowali, Delis Julkarson Hehi suggested the smallholders to seriously pay attention. “I do hope the participants would get every material deliverd and get field implementation well,” he said.

Simpra Tajang also hoped the training would escalate their skills and knowledge in the regency. “And smallholders’ capacity would be better in cultivating theirs,” Simpra Tajang said.

The training itself proposed the theme “Teknis Budidaya Kelapa Sawit”. It had seven main topics, such as, seed preparation, the planting, nursery for immature and mature plants, organism control, and other field practice activities. The interactive training method was designed to help the smallholders.

Jasrion Ampugo did appreciate the training because it could facilitate the smallholders in the regency. “I do hope every participant would join it happily,” he said.

Besides the traing, the participants did field visit to palm oil plantations on Thursday (31/05/2024) in PT. Unggul Widya Teknologi Lestari, Regency of Pasang Kayu, West Sulawesi Province. The goal was about to deliver description about the good agricultural practices and be the sample to develop smallholders’ plantation productivity.

The participants were developed by plantation assistant of PT. Unggul Widya Teknologi Lestari. They went to some location, such as, mature and productive plants, pest control, and demonstration to apply fertilization mechanically. They also visited the seeding process and got explanation about certified seeds, saw dummy fresh fruit bunch from many seed producer companies in Indonesia.

With the supports from the central and regional government, and the strong commitment of the smallholders, it is hoped that smallholders would escalate their economy and welfare in Central Sulawesi and around. (T2)

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