Elevating Competency: 85 Aceh Smallholders Join Palm Oil Training by IPB, PFMA, and Directorate of Plantations

palm oil magazine
85 smallhoders from Regency of West Aceh and Nagan Raya joined palm oil human resource training on 1 - 5 July 2024 in Banda Aceh. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, BANDA ACEH – Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), in collaboration with the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) and the Directorate General of Plantations of the Ministry of Agriculture, conducted a human resource training program for palm oil plantations in Aceh Province.

The five-day training took place from July 1 to July 5, 2024, at the Grand Nangroe Hotel in Banda Aceh, and was attended by 85 participants from the West Aceh and Nagan Raya regencies.

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This event marked the second training session following a previous one held in May 2024, which focused on palm oil cultivation for the second and fifth generations, as well as harvest and post-harvest training for the first generation.

Also Read: IPB, PFMA, and Directorate of Plantations Train 75 North Sumatera Smallholders in Palm Oil Cultivation

Trainer representative from IPB, Hariyadi emphasized that it would be significant for them to understand the theories and practices to cultivate their plantations. “Cultivating palm oil plantations would not be only about plantings, but also need theories and practices. The participants should join it to multiply their insight, skills, and knowledge,” he said, as in the official statement to Palmoilmagazine.com, Saturday (6/7/2024).

Meanwhile, Eva Lizarmi from General Directorate of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture said that palm oil is one biggest contributor for the revenue in this country. That is why the smallholders would need the training.

“Palm oil is one biggest commodity as the contributor for the revenue in Indonesia. That is why in cooperation with PFMA, palm oil plantation human resource development (POP HRD) training is conducted so that you, dear sirs, would get better and right knowledge about palm oil cultivation,” she said.

Apuk Ismane from (POP HRD) said that the trining would be the collaboration from the training institutions, for instance, IPB Training and it was conducted in some regions in Indonesia.

Azanuddin representing Plantation and Agriculture Agency Aceh Province hoped that the training would be joined by more smallholders from other regencies in Aceh. “We hope there would be more smallholders joining the training. It was good and hopefully there would be more in other regions,” he said.

The second phase – training proposed the theme ‘Palm Oil Cultivation Technic’ for second generation participants from Regency of Nagan Raya and the 5 generation from Regency of West Aceh. It discussed seven main materials, such as, seed preparation and the planting, nursery for immature and mature plants, the control to plant pests (disease, weeds, and pest), and other field practices.

The interactive training method and two way – discussion made the participants enthusiastic join the training. In the fourth day, they conducted field visit and practices to PT Agro Sinergi Nusantara to see the good cultivation in person, such as, the seeding process, the cultivation for immature and mature plants, the harvest process, the fertilization, and the visit to loading mill.

The supports from regional and central governments, educational institutions, such as, IPB and the strong commitment of the smallholders should increase the potential of the participants to cultivate theirs and would escalate their welfare and the economy for the country. (T2)

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