PFMA and Ministry of Agriculture Training Program Receive Praise in South Sumatra

palm oil magazine
PFMA and Ministry of Agriculture Training Program Receives Praise in South Sumatra. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, PALEMBANG – The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) and the General Directorate of Plantation, Ministry of Agriculture, have successfully garnered attention and praise in South Sumatra Province with their human resource development training program. The training, conducted by Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) with support from PFMA and the General Directorate of Plantation, involved 61 smallholders from the Regency of Lahat and Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI).

During the opening ceremony on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, in Palembang, Agus Darwa, Head of the Plantation Agency of South Sumatra Province, commended the initiative. “We are grateful to PFMA and the General Directorate of Plantation for supporting this training. I hope the participants will leverage it to enhance their management and financial administration skills,” Agus stated.

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He highlighted three key areas for the palm oil industry: resilience, acceleration, and education. Agus noted the significant contribution of smallholders to national and regional revenue, which approaches Rp 500 trillion annually.

Also Read: IPB, PFMA, and Directorate of Plantations Train 75 North Sumatera Smallholders in Palm Oil Cultivation

“The fund would be returned to the society through training program. The goal would be about to escalate smallholders’ capacity. It is hoped to help them to have better financial management and would get away from legal issues,” he said, as in the official statement to, Tuesday (16/7/2024).

The training involved four experienced trainers, they were, Dr. Ir. Dwi Rachmina, Msi; Hastuti, S.P, M.Si; Farida Ratna Dewi, SE, MM, ME, AWP; and Tursina Andita Putri, Msi.

Dwi Rachmina, the Lead Trainer and Agribusiness Lecturer of Faculty of Economy and Management IPB said that the training would be about to inform them how to make good book and financial administration, how to manage credit and loans, arrange union development proposal plant, and decide fresh fruit bunch (FFB) price.

“The weaknesses of micro, small, and medium businesses in Indonesia, including the smallholders are about human resource and capital. If the human resources would be able, it automatically would access the capital. By having the training, we do hope that the smallholders would be more competent and getting access in capital well,” Dwi said.

Team Chairman in Institution and Training Center, Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian BPPSDMP Ministry of Agriculture, Apuk Ismane said that IPB Training would be one accredited training institution. He hoped the training would escalate the smallholders’ skill and independency in palm oil cultivation.

Chairman of Secretariat Team of Palm Oil Plantation Human Resource Development General Directorate of Plantation, Eva Lizarmi said that the smallholders’ palm oil plantation would apply ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certificate in the future. That is why the good financial reports would be the modal to get ISPO certificate. The management and financial administration training, Eva continued, would be the significant thing to escalate their competency.

She also emphasized PFMA would be open to every financial program that the smallholders would do by proposing it through the groups, cooperation, or koperasi unit desa. She hoped the material formulation should be well to get the chance in funding proposal.

The training would escalate not only the smallholders’ management competency but also the chance for them to get access in modal and program funds. By having increasing skills, the smallholders in South Sumatera should get bigger contribution for sustainable palm oil industries nationally. (P2)

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