PALMOILMAGAZINE, YOGYAKARTA – The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) conducted a sharing session and roadmap evaluation to support sustainable palm oil plantation development from 2022 to 2029. The discussion focused on the ongoing development of human resources (HR) for palm oil plantations and adjustments to the formulated roadmap.
The event, held in Yogyakarta, was attended by various stakeholders, including Kabul Wijayanto, Director of Plan and Fund Management at PFMA, and representatives from educational institutions offering palm oil plantation programs funded by PFMA. Plantation associations, relevant ministry officials, and students who received PFMA scholarships also participated.
Triana Meinarsih, Head of the Human Resource Education and Infrastructure Development Division at PFMA, emphasized the importance of meeting HR needs both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Also Read: PFMA Grants Rp 313.9 Billion in Scholarships to 2000 Students
“HR need projection should consider the industrial, technology, management and sustainability needs. The roadmap would be important to execute every HR program,” Triana said, as from the official page of PFMA, Wednesday (23/7/2024).
The event presented three main speakers, they were, Sri Gunawan from AKPY-STIPER; Hariyadi, M.S. from Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB); and Mula Putra from Directorate of Palm Oil Plant and Various Palm. Each speaker delivered their deeper insight and knowledge about the change and challenges in palm oil plantation HR development.
Sri Gunawan mentioned about palm oil HR need projection until 2038 and roadmap performances that had been implemented. She thought, it would need to get further recommendation to sustainably get monitor and evaluation.
Meanwhile, Hariyadi said about the analysis of SWOT. It is divided in four main strategies, they are, Strength-Opportunity (S-O), Strength-Threats (S-T), Weakness-Opportunity (W-O), and Weakness-Threats (W-T). these should be divided to be internal and external factors to notice.
He also mentioned four strategies to develop HR and should be implemented. The first, should escalate scholarship program and skill training by having cooperation with educational institutions, the government, and the private sectors.
The second, should reinforce the cooperation among educational institutions and plantation industries to develop creativity, innovation, and chances to get work for those that were graduated (from the schools/universities). The third, should plan available socialization program to introduce HR development program for the people. The fourth, should develop cooperation that would deliver advantages among the government, educational institutions, palm oil plantation industries, and regulation formulation.
Mula Putra mentioned the design and achievement in palm oil industrial HR development from the upstream perspective. He thought, palm oil industries would be the labor intensive – industries that played important roles to escalate the people’s welfare and regional development. “Millions of people depend on palm oil industries in Indonesia. Every progress in the industries would have something to do with the social, and economic welfare,” Putra said.
Kabul Wijayanto emphasized it would be important to get evaluation and sharing session in periodic. “The roadmap implementation in PFMA should be able to measure the effective programs, identify the gap and challenges, and confirm every available regulation adjustment,” Kabul said. (P2)