PERISAI 2024: Celebrating Young Innovators in Palm Oil Research Competition

Palm Oil Magazine
PERISAI 2024: Celebrating Young Innovators in Palm Oil Research Competition. Photo by: PalmOilMagazine

PALMOILMAGAZINE, NUSA DUA – Pekan Riset Sawit Indonesia (PERISAI) 2024, organized by the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA), sparked excitement among talented students from various schools across Indonesia. One of the highly anticipated moments was the final round of the palm oil research competition for students, which saw participation from both universities and vocational schools.

Out of 40 competing groups, 10 finalists were selected to present their research findings before a panel of judges. Representing various regions and prestigious institutions, these finalists showcased their commitment to advancing palm oil research among the younger generation.

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Here are the 10 finalists in the event:

  1. Citra Apriliana, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  2. Fatimah Aqilah Azzahro, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  3. Hestiva, Universitas Tanjungpura
  4. Khusnul Humayatul Jannah S., Universitas Hasanuddin
  5. Muhammad Zakky Irsyada, Universitas Negeri Semarang
  6. Muhammad Nuril Islam, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
  7. Mutiara Sani Harahap, Universitas Sumatera Utara
  8. Sekar Ayu Wulan, Institut Pertanian Bogor
  9. Wahyu Saputra, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  10. Yudhi Tegar Julianto, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Also Read: PFMA Announces 52 Proposals for 2024 Grand Riset Sawit Funding Support

In his speech, PFMA Director Eddy Abdurrachman expressed pride in the students’ enthusiasm for participating in the competition. He emphasized that the goal of the research competition is to cultivate an interest in palm oil research from an early age. Eddy noted that high-quality research is crucial for developing a sustainable and resilient palm oil industry.

“By this competition, we do hope the young researchers would meet the planters and the government as the policy makers. By having open discussion, we should encourage the commercialization of the research results and accelerate the innovation in palm oil industries nationally,” Eddy said, as in the official statement, as monitored, Thursday (3/10/2024).

PO PFMA planned to conduct business matching among the world scale – researchers and stakeholders in palm oil industries. The hope is that the active collaboration between the researchers and industries would bridge to develop the commercial and innovative research results from the students.

He hoped it would be significant to involve the industries to support palm oil research. By having active participation from the business world, the research result would not stop in the laboratory but also would be implemented in palm oil industries. He thought, this would be the important key to reinforce the connection between the academic world and industries to make palm oil industries from Indonesia go forward more sustainable and environmental.

The final would be the golden chance for the finalists to show their capability in the research and develop their innovation. By having various topics, such as, waste management until derivative product development, the students delivered not only their own thoughts, but also contributed to reinforce palm oil industries nationally.

The final would be the time to get number one, two and three ranks within each finalist representing their results before the judges that consisted of the experts and practitioners in palm oil. Every presentation should show not only the quality of the research but also the research result potential in the industrial world.

Besides the event to compete, PERISAI 2024 would be the place for the researchers, planters and the government as the policy makers to meet and discuss about the future of palm oil. With the wider scale involvement from many parties, PO PFMA hoped to encourage the new innovations that would reinforce palm oil position of Indonesia in international level.

With the spirit of research and innovation, the future of palm oil industries in Indonesia would be brighter. By the competition, young generations are taken to actively play their roles to develop the industries not only as the economic pillar but also deliver the positive for the environment and the people. (P2)

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