West Kalimantan Palm Oil Concession Area Spans 3.4 Million Ha, Only 1.9 Million Ha Have Legal Permits

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Sawit Fest 2021 / Novia Febri / The issue of inadequate governance in Indonesia's palm oil industry has become increasingly apparent with the proliferation of palm oil plantations authorized by various ministries and institutions.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, PONTIANAK – Based on data from the West Kalimantan Province, the palm oil plantations that have obtained plantation business permits cover approximately 3.4 million hectares (ha), while those with business permits currently only cover about 1.9 million ha.

Governor of West Kalimantan, Sutarmidji, mentioned that there are still many palm oil plantations operating without proper business permits. He made this statement in Pontianak on Saturday (8/7) after attending an online speech by Minister of Maritime and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

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According to the Laws Number 5 / 1960 about the Basic of Agrarian, Business Permit Rights is the rights to do area business that the country regulates and masters in a certain period of time. Kinds of areas that the government handed over in Business Rights are in production forest category which the area status would be diverted to be plantation, agriculture, or livestock category.

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“It means, protected and conservation forests would be not regulated to get business rights. Business rights would be for areas that lay for at least five hectares,” he said, as Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from Antara.

According to Government’s Regulation Number 18 / 2021 about Cultivation or Management Rights, Land Rights, Flats Units, and Land Registration, in Chapter 22, Business Rights would be handed over for 35 years. But those who got Business Rights could extend the period for the next 25 years and should be renewed for the longest period 35 years.

He also said, to escalate palm oil industrial governance, Coordinator Minister in Maritime and Investment instructed to establish palm oil taskforce by hoping to get the good synergy among the central and regional governments.

“Permits aggregate is different. The taskforce would focus not only on aggregate but also the data of every planter that they should put their data through Sistem Informasi Perizinan Perkebunan (Siperibun). That is why the regional government should socialize it to every planter,” Sutarmidji said. (T2)

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