Menthobi Karyatama Raya Fertilizer Plant with a Capacity of 5 Tons Per Hour

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA PT Menthobi Karyatama Raya Tbk (MKTR) has recently commenced operations at its latest factory. The facility, operated by its subsidiary PT Menthobi Hijau Lestari (MHL), focuses on the solid and liquid waste processing to produce organic and natural fertilizers with a capacity of 3 to 5 tons per hour.

Harry M. Nadir, the Director of MKTR, announced that MHL successfully started operating the new factory in early July 2023. The factory aims to produce solid organic and natural fertilizers in both bulk and granule forms by utilizing waste from the palm oil processing.

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Harry though, the construction of the new factory is the same promise when MKTR got initial public offering in November 2022. “Investment company in commodity as part of Maktour Group wants to create additional values from environmental palm oil plantation practices,” he said, Friday, (21/7/2023).

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The fertilizer factory stands on 2,5 hectare – areas in Lamandau, Central Kalimantan Province and would be operating for 8 hours per day. It would process 120 tons of empty bunches, 360 tons of liquid waste, 30 tons of solid waste, and 5 tons of boiler ash per day. “It means, the factory could produce between 24 tons to 40 tons of fertilizers per day. Not many palm oil plantation companies process liquid or solid waste still,” Harry said.

In fact, processing waste to becoming additional values, such as, organic fertilizers is very significant. Besides solving environment issue, it would help smallholders to solve their main issue that takes place for too long, which is, available fertilizer but expensive.

Not only that, chemical fertilizers could be more expensive in the future. It is not impossible to hope subsidized fertilizers because it always relates to the system and distribution for the smallholders.

“That is why organic and natural fertilizers that the factory produced would be prioritized to help the partners (smallholders) around MKTR operates,” Harry said. (T2)

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