PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Industry is dedicated to implementing a palm oil downstream industrial policy aimed at generating favorable outcomes for the national economy.
Putu Juli Ardika, the General Director of Agro Industry at the Ministry of Industry, emphasized that this program is expected to yield several advantages. These include optimizing the absorption of smallholders’ plantation production, offering non-food materials, promoting renewable fuel, and fostering economic growth within an industrial framework.
“Besides, it escalated revenue from downstream exports, contributed to tax and non-tax, fed and energized the world,” he said, as in the official statement to in Jakarta, Monday (14/8).
Also Read : Smallholders Supports the Government to Establish Taskforce for Escalating Palm Oil Industrial Governance
Putu also told, Ministry of Industry ran policy mix consistently to run palm oil downstream industrial programs through Government’s Regulation Number 14 / 2015 about Master Plan of National Industrial Development in 2015 – 2035 and some other regulations about national industrial policy.
“The roadmap of palm oil downstream industrial development is regulated by the Regulation of Minister of Industry (RMI) Number 13 / 2010 about the Substitution of RMI Number 111/M-IND/PER/10/2009 about Roadmap of Palm Oil Downstream Cluster Development that become the initiative to determine priority in its development,” he said. (T2)