NGO Kaleka: About 91,15 percent, palm oil contributed for the household economy

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. / Chairman of Kaleka, Bernadinus Steni Sugiarto said that the NGO would deliver advocacy for smallholders.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, SANUR – Chairman of Kaleka, Bernadinus Steni Sugiarto said that the NGO would deliver advocacy for smallholders. The main targets are villagers’ economy which should be more welfare and sustainable, delivering advantages for fishermen who are also as smallholders, forest rangers, fishermen while maintaining and recovering the nature.

“We do approach in wider scale and measured impact – basis through jurisdiction. We also conduct applied research and collaboration among stakeholders,” Steni said in a journalistic training of Kaleka that, Sunday (27/8/2023) in Sanur, Bali.

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Though it is less interesting for NGO, palm oil and other commodities for Kaleka, in villages, has been economic locomotive for many villagers.

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“About 91,15 percent, palm oil contributed for the household economy,” Steni said while explaining study result of Kaleka in District of West Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan Province.

Smallholders that mostly got lack of support are the focus of Kaleka as non-government organization (NGO) which was established with the vison that landscape and sea in Indonesia should be sustainably cultivated and managed.

For information, established in 2014 the first time, it was Inovasi Bumi (Inobu). Then it was re-named to be Kaleka. In Dayak term, Kaleka in agro-forestry sector shows local practices about sustainable agriculture. Kaleka itself is more genuinely generic in Indonesia. (T1)

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