ITSI Students Engage in National Gathering with Palm Oil Smallholders

palm oil magazine
Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Reh Desiva Christima Beru Ginting and Benny, both students from Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia (ITSI), actively participated in the “Temu Nasional Petani Kelapa Sawit” (National Gathering of Palm Oil Smallholder) organized by the Central Board of Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Apkasindo).

The event, themed “Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Pilar Ekonomi Indonesia” (Community Palm Oil Plantations as the Pillar of Indonesia’s Economy), took place at the Grand Paragon Hotel in Jakarta as part of the 23rd anniversary celebrations of Apkasindo.

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With a focus on ensuring the sustainability of palm oil in Indonesia and promoting the welfare of smallholders, the gathering brought together representatives from 164 branches of Apkasindo across districts and cities in 22 provinces. The event also served as a consolidation platform for smallholders who have benefited from the development initiatives supported by President Joko Widodo.

Also Read : Millennial Palm Oil Enthusiasts Participate in “Sedikit-Sedikit Sawit”

Additionally, the gathering featured the presence of Gen. of Army (ret) Dr. Moeldoko, M.Si, who serves as the Head of the President’s Staff and the Board of Supervisors of the Central Board of Apkasindo.

As in the official statement to, the participation of the two students of ITSI was something new, knowing that it needed to involve in young generations in palm oil industries.

Beru Ginting who was also active with Apkasindo in her hometown, and Benny who just arrived from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, delivered perspective dimension in the discussion about “Transisi yang Berkeadilan dalam Industri Sawit.”

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The focuses in the discussion were about challenges in palm oil industries, for instance, the selling price which is not standard yet, available fertilizers, other infrastructures, sustainable certification, education that relates to palm oil human resource development, reformulation to the students that would work at (plantation sectors), and the portion of smallholders’ families.

It is hoped that the gathering would be not only a discussion but also be the moment to re-fill the spirits of smallholders to confirm sustainability in these industries. The government should also actively be involved in and responding every issue, including how to involve academy and students as part of the journey heading to Indonesia Emas 2045. (T2)

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