Intercropping Paddy Gogo in SRP Plantation in Muara Enim

palm oil magazine
Cultivating Paddy Gogo in Smallholder Replanting Program (SRP) Plantations in Muara Enim. Photo by: Ministry of Agriculture

PALMOILMAGAZINE, MUARA ENIM – Following the successful cultivation of paddy in Banten Province’s plantations, Heru Tri Widarto, Secretary of the General Directorate of Plantation at the Ministry of Agriculture, extended the initiative by inaugurating the Paddy Gogo Planting Kick Off event in smallholder replanting program (SRP) plantations, specifically in the Village of Harapan Jaya, Muara Enim Subdistrict, Muara Enim Regency, on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

Food security serves as a reflection and emblem of both agricultural and economic sustainability. I extend my gratitude to the heads of agencies from both South Sumatera Province and Muara Enim Regency for initiating the true realization of KESATRIA.

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“We aspire for food sovereignty to commence from this regency, given that South Sumatera Province ranks fifth in paddy production in Indonesia,” Heru stated, as reported by from the official Ministry of Agriculture page on Thursday, March 28, 2024.

Also Read:Ministry of Agriculture Mentioned the Potential of Gogo Rice as an Intercrop of Around 200 Thousand Hectares 

Furthermore, he emphasized the Ministry of Agriculture’s commitment to optimizing palm oil, coconut, and other plantations to provide additional income for smallholders or farmers and ensure substantial food material reserves to meet the future needs of the populace.

Heru continued paddy gogo planting is potential with SRP in the province for the plantations laid on about 44.546,94 hectares and Regency of Muara Enim got 1.266 hectares.

“This would not be easy, needs supports from many parties and agency in Regency of Muara Enim should propose CPCL in paddy gogo planting,” he said.

He also emphasized the institution took everyone to be committed to plant paddy. “Let us plant not only paddy seed but also belief. If this is successful, it would escalate paddy production and food materials would be well controlled,” Heru said. (T2)

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