Wild Elephant Damages Palm Oil Plantations in Muratara

Palm Oil Magazine
Wild Elephant Damages Palm Oil Plantations in Muratara. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, MURATARA – A wild elephant entered villagers’ palm oil plantations in Block K.20 of PT. BSS, Dusun I, Biaro Lama Village, Karang Dapo Subdistrict. This incident highlights the ongoing human-wildlife conflicts in the region on Friday, 2 August 2024.

According to a report received by the Head of Biaro Lama Village, Yusuf Alfian, the elephant damaged around 30 palm oil trees and a villager’s hut, leaving it severely tilted. The incident was reported by a villager at 10:00 AM, and the village authorities promptly responded.

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“We do immediately report the case to the regent, head of Pamong Praja (PP) Police, Karang Dapo Police and the head of sub districts. The regency directly sent PP Poiice to get field check,” Yusuf said, as Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from detikSumbagsel, Monday (5/8/2024).

Also Read: Wild Elephants Ravage Eight Hectares of Palm Oil Plantations in Aceh Jaya

At five in the evening, Yusuf directly checked in the field to see the situation. From the a half meter – foots prints of the elephant, it was predicted, it was only one elephant getting into the plantations. The foot prints were heading to Lamurus River.

It was not for sure if the elephant was the same individual with the last one that got into the plantations in Village of Srijaya Makmur, Muratara, on last Monday. But Yusuf emphasized that the elephant did not get into the villagers’ circumstances.

To anticipate the same accident, he suggested every villager of Biaro Lama should be aware when doing activities in the field. “If they see wild elephant, report the case and avoid to be near with it. do not disturb the elephant,” he said. (P2)

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