Indonesian Palm Oil Companies Lead RSPO Excellence Awards

palm oil magazine
Doc. RSPO / The winners in ‘RSPO 2023 Excellence Awards’

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – During the Roundtable Conference (RT2023) of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) under the theme “Partners for the Next 20,” RSPO presented the ‘Excellence Awards’ as a recognition for RSPO members demonstrating a commitment to sustainable palm oil practices. The event featured five categories: innovation, leadership, impacts for smallholders, communication for the good, and shared responsibility.

Joseph D’Cruz (JD), the Chief Executive Officer of RSPO, noted that the organization conducted a comprehensive survey of its members from various countries, acknowledging their remarkable contributions to the implementation of sustainable palm oil practices.

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RSPO did simulation model that showed commitment to sustainability and mobilized innovative thought to every action which eventually delivered the positivity for the world.

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“It started by escalating the lives of smallholders until to be the champion in the conservation,” he said when inaugurating ‘Excellence Awards’ on Monday (20/11/2023) which was attended by

JD also mentioned, it needs to improve social governance to be sustainable action as the main part of business operation and every company’s policy as integral parts of sustainable palm oil supply and this initiative should be the real story symbol.

“It is about what we would facilitate inclusivity in green sustainable supply chain to obey every regulation that would be published or published in many countries. The next is that conservation leadership award in the regions where six times larger than Jakarta,” he said.

JD thought, every RSPO member would vote conservation award nominee for their massive contribution in what RSPO has achieved until now.

In the ‘Exellence Award’, 15 RSPO members were nominated for their incredible contribution in realizing sustainable palm oil.

The winners were DSN Group in innovation category; Bumitama Agri Lt. in leadership for conservation category; Musim Mas in impact for smallholder category; Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in communication for the good category; and WWF International in same responsibility category. (T2)

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