Strategies for Enhancing Palm Oil Productivity in Marginal Areas

Palm Oil Magazine
The book “Budidaya Kelapa Sawit: Hasil Selangit Secara Berkelanjutan” should be the right reference for anyone who wants to know the good cultivation in palm oil plantations. Photo by:

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Palm oil is a vital commodity for Indonesia’s economy, contributing significantly to employment in various sectors, particularly for communities surrounding plantations. However, rapid expansion of palm oil plantations has limited the availability of prime land (S-1), leading to the development of plantations in marginal areas, which face various constraints.

If these marginal areas are not managed properly, productivity could decline. To address this, implementing intensification through Best Management Practices (BMP) is essential, a method adopted by many planters. The aim is to optimize production, even in less favorable conditions.

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Proper cultivation techniques are key to ensuring that palm oil plantations in marginal areas can still yield sustainable results, in line with the Indonesian government’s commitment to sustainable development through the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) standards.

Also Read: Effective Palm Oil Plantation Strategies for Smallholders: Insights from PPKS Medan

The book “Budidaya Kelapa Sawit: Hasil Selangit Secara Berkelanjutan” should be the right reference for anyone who wants to know the good cultivation in palm oil plantations. This book was written and typed by experienced practitioners in the planting and cultivation. The cultivation practices provided in the book would sustainably escalate palm oil plantation productivity.

The 118 page – book would discuss about the cultivation optimally in marginal areas, such as, in spodosol, peat, and sandy areas. It is also about BMP, for instance. (P2)

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