PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – On Monday (18/12/2023), the tender for Crude Palm Oil (CPO) at PT. Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (KPBN) rose to Rp 11,200/kg, indicating an increase of Rp 90/kg or approximately 0.14% compared to the previous Friday’s (15/12/2023) tender, which stood at Rp 11,110/kg.
According to information obtained by from KPBN, the CPO franco price in Dumai and Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi (Jabodetabek) both reached Rp 11,200/kg.
Meanwhile, the reference price for CPO at the Malaysia Derivatives Exchange experienced a decrease on Monday (18/12/2023) due to sluggish exports and the lower cost of soyoil.
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As reported by Reuters, the reference contract price with the code FCPOc3 for March 2024 delivery at the Malaysia Derivatives Exchange declined by RM 12 per ton, equivalent to about 0.32%, settling at RM 3,699 per ton (US$ 790.05) in the early session.
Here are CPO tenders at KPBN (Rp./Kg), excluded income tax on Monday (18/12/2023):
- Franco Dumai Rp. 11.200-SJIO
- Jabodetabek Rp. 11.200-MONI. (T2)