PalmCo Unveils Four Initiatives to Boost Sustainable Replanting Programs in West Kalimantan

palm oil magazine
Illustration of oil palm plantation. Photo by: Sawit Fest 2021 / Malik Fajar

PALMOILMAGAZINE, PEKANBARU – During the discussion with the Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Inti Rakyat (Aspekpir) in West Kalimantan Province, Jatmiko Santosa, the Director of PalmCo, presented four flagship programs that have proven successful in expediting the Smallholders Replanting Program (SRP) in Riau.

The first, partnership with single management. This would be the successful key in SRP in Riau and many districts in the province.

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Single management proposed high standards in the company, it starts from cutting of the old trees, planting superior seeds, the process of planting, fertilization, and nursery in SRP areas.

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Then the people would have palm oil plantation with high productivity, cut off plantations’ productivity gap between the smallholders and companies that happened for all these years.

The approach would be completed with off taker system or development from the company to smallholders during SRP runs. The second, one realization of the system is cash for works for smallholders as the partners. It means, the smallholders still get income during SRP runs.

The third, we from PalmCo also offer superior (certified) palm oil seeds for smallholders. It is undeniable that many illegal palm oil seeds haunted smallholders in SRP. The facts showed that the seeds would determine the next 25 – 30 years,” Jatmiko said, as quoted from the official page of PTPN V, Friday (15/12/2023).

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The fourth, PalmCo would deliver trainings for smallholders to be the solution to escalate their skills in realizing sustainable palm oil plantations.

“I am grateful that the presence of PTPN IV PalmCo is well accepted by our friends in Aspekpir West Kalimantan. Insya Allah we would reinforce the smallholders in phase here with our programs,” he said.

For the first phase, he also prioritized to provide superior seeds and trainings for smallholders to be synergized with Aspekpir. “One main focus of PalmCo is SRP. Insya Allah, we would realize it with our friends in Aspekpir West Kalimantan,” Jatmiko said. (T2)

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