PALMOILMAGAZINE, SAMPIT – The District of Kotawaringin Timur (Kotim) in Central Kalimantan Province is dedicated to enhancing the empowerment of palm oil plantations, particularly those managed by independent smallholders.
Recently, a workshop was conducted to review the Regional Action Plan for Sustainable Palm Oil (RAD KSB) in the district. The objective was to evaluate its implementation, assess achievements, and formulate future steps.
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During the workshop, Fajrurrahman, the Regional Secretary of Kotim, emphasized the significance of optimizing the cultivation of palm oil plantations by independent smallholders.
It was facilitated by Plantation and Food Security Agency District of Kotim, attended by many officials such as II assistant of Kotim Secretariat, director of plantation product marketing and process, General Directorate of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture, head of plantation agency Central Kalimantan Province online.
Fajrurrahman told that the meeting was the follow up from RAD KSB program since 2020 to 2024. This was the concrete evidence from the government to develop sustainable palm oil plantation governance.
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Though there were some implementation issues, for instance, the regulation dynamic, the markets in the globe, regulations from many countries, Fajrurrahman emphasized the district would keep obeying and adjusting to every change.
The district would deliver development in RAD-KSB to be successful. In 2025 the district planned to get more maps, deliver development, and fund the program.
Palm oil is the mainstay commodity in the district. Palm oil plantations laid about 566.000 hectares. From the numbers, 23 percent was independently cultivated by the people. The district plays important roles in the economy and the people as one of the biggest palm oil producers in Indonesia.
According to President’s Instruction Number 6 / 2019 about Rencana Aksi Nasional Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAN-KSB) in 2019 – 2024, District of Kotim formulated RAD – KSB in 2020-2024 through the Regent’s Regulation of Kotim Number 39 / 2020.
Head of Plantation and Food Security Agency District of Kotim, Sepnita said that the workshop was also attended by team of RAD-KSB Kotim, head of finance and regional asset, independent organizations, would be running per semester to get reflection, evaluation, and significant issue identification to support sustainable palm oil development. The results of the workshop would be officially delivered to related ministry to get further consideration. (T2)