Favorable Climate Conditions in Enhancing Palm Oil Productivity

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Sawit Fest 2021 / Wet tropical climate in low region would be good for palm oil to grow well. The ideal regional height for palm oil tree to grow is less than 500 meters above sea level.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The cultivation of palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) has emerged as a crucial commodity in plantation industries across numerous tropical countries. Achieving optimal productivity in palm oil plantations heavily relies on favorable climate conditions. Several natural factors, such as a wet tropical climate, sufficient rainfall, appropriate temperatures, and ample sunshine, significantly influence the growth and yield of palm oil crops.

Wet tropical climate in low region would be good for palm oil to grow well. The ideal regional height for palm oil tree to grow is less than 500 meters above sea level. The higher level – regions would tend to be in lower temperature. This would not be optimal for palm oil trees to grow.

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As Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from the blog of palm oil plantation practitioner, Arie Malangyudo, the ideal rainy days for palm oil trees to grow should be around 1750 to 3000 millimeters per year. It is important that the rain equally falls down in a whole year regularly to help maintain the soil moisture and make sure that there would be enough water supply for the trees.

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Temperature is also the main factor for palm oil trees to grow. The minimum average temperature should be around 20 to 23 Celsius degree, while the maximum average one should be around 28 to 32 Celsius degree. If the temperature is less than 19 Celsius degree at night, the fresh fruit bunch making would not be good and eventually it would have something to do with the harvest. The immature seeds would stop to grow if the temperature is less than 15 Celsius degree.

The facts showed palm oil trees need enough sunshine to get photosynthesis and optimal growth. The average sunshine should be about 5 hours per day in a month in a year within the maximal sunshine 7 hours per day in certain months. Enough sunshine would have something to do with photosynthesis process on the leaves and would contribute to growth and good harvest. (T2)

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