PalmCo Four Subsidiaries Experience Production Growth: IPO Plans for Late This Year

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. / This positive trend is expected to continue as they merge into the Sub Holdings of PalmCO and prepare for an upcoming initial public offering (IPO).

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Over the past three years, PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) IV, PTPN V, PTPN VI, and PTPN XIII have witnessed a steady increase in palm oil production. This positive trend is expected to continue as they merge into the Sub Holdings of PalmCO and prepare for an upcoming initial public offering (IPO).

Director of Holding Perkebunan Nusantara, PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) Mohammad Abdul Ghani said the operational performance of the members of PalmCo increased their fresh fruit bunch (FFB), productivity, crude palm oil (CPO) production and CPO yield.

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He also mentioned, PalmCo would be established from the subsidiaries that showed the increasing production in the past few years. PalmCo would focus more on main commodity to qualify food security by fulfilling palm cooking oil in this country.

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As in the official statement to recently, data of the corporate showed, PTPN IV as the core of the merger got increasing and positive performance of FFB production. In 2020 it reached 2.572,59 million tons, escalated to be2.756,47 million tons in 2021 and 2.650,91 million in 2022.

This was the same with FFB productivity that also increase from 21.424 tons/hectare (ha) in 2020, escalated to be 23.004 tons/ha in 2021 and increased to be 23.020 tons/ha in 2023.

The same positive trend was shown by the performance to establish PalmCo in Riau, PTPN V. Its FFB productivity reached 23,88 tons/ha in 2020, escalated to be 24,02 tons/ha in 2021 and 24,05 tons/ha in 2022.

CPO production reached 544,02 thousand tons in 2020, escalated to be 574,8 thousand tons in 2021 dan escalated again to be 578,91 thousand tons in 2022 with CPO yield in row, 21,39 percent in 2020, to be 21,55 percent in 2021, and 21,89 percent in 2022.

PTPN III Medan showed the same. Its FFB production in 2020 reached 2,41 million tons, escalated to be 2,51 million tons in 2021, and increased to be 2,58 million tons in 2022.

FFB productivity reached from 24 tons/ha in 2020, escalated to be 24,73 tons/ha in 2021 and 25,4 tons/ha in 2023. CPO production reached 579.729 tons in 2020, escalated to be 607.451 tons in 2021 and escalated to be 623.748 tons in 2022.

PTPN VI got FFB production in the same period in a row about 527 million tons, 565 million tons, and 669 million tons. CPO production also escalated to be 143.968 tons in 2020, 187.871 tons in 2021, and 188.893 tons in 2022.

PTPN XIII booked the increasing FFB production from 384.830,84 tons in 2020, escalated to be 395.210,72 tons in 2021 and increased to be 402.582,54 tons in 2022. The FFB productivity reached from 12,41 tons/ha in 2020, escalated to be 12,72 tons/ha in 2021 and 13,2 tons/ha in 2022.

CPO production reached from 70.694 tons in 2020, escalated to be 101.935 tons in 2021 and 101.976 tons in 2022. CPO yield reached 22,15 percent in 2020, in 2021 22,34 percent and in 2022 it reached 21,37 percent.

“By having the positive trend, PalmCo that focuses to the main commodity, would have the big potential to increase downstream sectors, especially palm cooking oil,” Nasution said, as quoted from Bisnis. (T2)

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