JAGA SAWITAN: Fostering Collaboration Among Laborers and Stakeholders to Preserve Palm Oil Industry PalmoilmagazineJuly 21, 2023 | 15:59 WIB |July 21, 2023 | 15:59 WIB |90 Views Doc. Special / The establishment of JAGA SAWITAN (Jejaring Ketenagakerjaan untuk Sawit Berkelanjutan) is the new place for labors and stakeholders that JAPBUSI (Jejaring Serikat Pekerja dan Buruh Sawit Indonesia) and Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA) established. JAGA SAWITAN is the cooperation of palm oil industries with ILO (International Labor Organization). JAGA SAWITAN: Fostering Collaboration Among Laborers and Stakeholders to Preserve Palm Oil Industry Reader: 90