PALMOILMAGAZINE, PALANGKA RAYA – The Vice Governor of Central Kalimantan Province, H. Edy Pratowo, chaired a meeting on Palm Oil Profit Sharing in 2023 at M Bahalap Hotel, Palangka Raya, on Friday (17/11/2023). In his address, he emphasized that the profit sharing from palm oil constitutes a crucial component of the regional transfer, known as “transfer ke daerah” (TKD).
This allocation will be determined based on a percentage of the revenue generated from the out fee or levy on palm oil, crude palm oil, and its derivative products.
“For having palm oil profit sharing, I do hope that the agencies both in province, districts, and cities would plan and implement (every program) as the available regulations,” Edy said as quoted from the official page of Central Kalimantan Province.
Also Read : Riau Promotes Palm Oil Profit Sharing for Infrastructure Enhancement
He also hoped that palm oil profit sharing would positively contribute to get data, map of people’s palm oil plantations. “Particularly the plantations that might be indicated in forest regions to be solve while delivering social protection in labr for the workers or smallholders around the plantations,” he said.
In the report of Head of Plantation Agency in duty Central Kalimantan Province, Rizky R Badjuri said that palm oil profit sharing would be divided to be 80% for infrastructures and 20% for other programs. “This activity would cover to formulate budget program draft,” he said.
The meeting was attended by Head of Transmigration and Labor Central Kalimantan, Farid Wajdi; Head of Insurance Agency in Labor Central Kalimantan, Erfan Kurniawan; heads of agencies. The speakers attended were from General Directorate of Plantations Ministry of Agriculture, Ardi Praptono (online); and General Directorate of Financial Balance that was represented by Directorate of Public Transfer Fund, Fajar Fadli. (T2)