Palm Oil Task Force Conducts Industrial Permit Inventory in Response to Emerging Facts

palm oil magazine
Illustration of oil palm plantation. Photo by: Sawit Fest 2021 / Farid Yuwono

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The Palm Oil Task Force, mandated by the President’s Decision Number 9/2023, is actively working to enhance governance in Indonesia’s palm oil industry. Their efforts include conducting an inventory and matching of business rights and forest regions.

The primary focus of this task force, led by Firman Hidayat, the Deputy in Maritime Resource Coordination at the Ministry of Maritime and Investment and the I Secretary of the Palm Oil Task Force Implementation Team, is to improve the palm oil industrial permit system and optimize revenue.

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Firman Hidayat emphasizes that the objective of the data inventory and matching process is to establish a single source of truth for integrated palm oil data on a national scale. This initiative aims to ensure sustainability in the palm oil industry by effectively addressing any future challenges that may arise.

“The inventory should be followed up based on the facts,” Firman said, as quoted from Investor Daily, Monday (29/1/2024).

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Service Investment Deputy Assistant Coordinator Ministry in Investment and Maritime, Farah also told in the last meeting on 24 January 2024, every ministry/institution did match business rights and forest region data, such as, Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial/National Land Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, and Geospatial Information Agency.

“From the data we would overlay to know and find out what needs solution. In the data inventory, each ministry/institution would technically need to synchronize time and space dimension from data used,” Farah said and the data should be mapped to determine the prior solution about related issues.

Head of team work of Pengukuhan dan Penatagunaan Kawasan Hutan (PPFKH) Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Doni Setiawan Septiono said that every mechanism in forest regions and business permit inventory has been regulated in Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja, which is, Chapter 110A and 110B. This would involve some ministries/institution, such as, Coordinator Ministry in Maritime and Investment, Ministry of Agrarian Affairs/National Land Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, The Attorney, Development and Financial Regulatory, and Geospatial Information Agency. After accomplishing the inventory, the typology would be determined from the collected data.

Deputy Secretary in duty of Maritime Resource Coordination Coordinator Ministry in Maritime and Investment, Aniza Suspita said that Palm Oil Task Force has been active since 2023 to improve palm oil permit system by getting accurate data from the (palm oil plantation) companies. The socialization ran in some provinces and the companies responded through self-reporting and it ran very well.

“In 2024, it started by having data inventory from related ministries/institution and in the meeting with them, every data would be collected and mapped according to the agreement with Palm Oil Task Force,” Aniza said.

By conducting this, it is hoped Palm Oil Task Force would positively contribute to escalate palm oil industrial governance and optimize the revenue for Indonesia. (T2)

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