UNRI FISIP Academics Provide ISPO Certification Assistance

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Special / FGD with the theme "Model Kolaborasi Akar Rumput untuk Penguatan Modal Sosial Kelembagaan Petani Swadaya dalam Implementasi Sertifikasi ISPO" in Riau.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, PELALAWAN – On Friday, October 6, 2023, a focus group discussion (FGD) took place in Riau Province, one of Indonesia’s largest palm oil producers. The aim of this FGD was to develop better solutions and collaborative strategies for the implementation of the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification.

The theme of the discussion was “A Grassroots Collaboration Model for Strengthening the Social Capital of Self-Reliant Farmers in ISPO Certification Implementation.”

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This event was hosted at two locations: the Secretariat of the Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Beringin Jaya and the Secretariat of the Asosiasi Petani Bertuah Riau in the Village of Beringin Jaya, Subdistrict of Pangkalan Kuras, District of Pelalawan, Riau Province.

Masrul Ikhsan the member of research team of Grant Riset Sawit and lecturer of Public Administration Faculty of Social and Politic Science (FSPS / FISIP), Universitas Negeri Riau (UNRI) as moderato in the FGD, was optimist because there were more than 40 smallholders in the discussion. Their presence reflected their positivity to support ISPO certification in the province.

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It was attended by many parties that played strategic roles to develop palm oil sectors in the province, such as, Meyzi Heriyanto as researcher and Dean of FSPS UNRI; Sri Ambar Kusuma Wati, Head of Business Counseling and Development Plantation Agency Riau Province; Aprianto Mulono, ISPO accessor of Apkasindo; Sudarsanto, Young Expert Permit Arranger of DPMPTSP District of Pelalawan; Suyanto, Chairman of Asosiasi Petani Bertuah Riau; Muh Sapari, Head of Village of Beringin Indah, and two ISPO facilitars, Rahmanul and Resa Vio Vani.

In the discussion the speakers told many important materials as their skills, for instance, ISPO certification roles that Sri Ambar Kusuma Wati told, to increase quality and sustainability in palm oil sectors in Riau. She also said that it is important to get collaboration among independent smallholders, companies, and government to get the same goals.

Arpianto Mulono told ISPO certification process and the needs to obey close standard in the plantations.  Sudarsanto told about the mechanism and analysis of palm oil permit in District of Pelalawan, and practices for smallholders.

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Meyzi Heryanto told about social modal by sharing his research result in sustainability from and for independent smallholders. He emphasized that it is important to get and develop network and cooperation among smallholders themselves and collaboration among the smallholders, government, and industries.

Not only in the formal presentation, the discussion also delivered chances for every participant to interact through interview with the speaker and smallholders’ representatives, Ero Rohadi. This created much deeper understanding about the topic discussed and delivered times to ask (questions).

The top of the event ended with historical moment, which was, handing over notary deed from Asosiasi Petani Sawit Bertuah Riau represented by Meyzi Heriyanto to Chairman of Asosiasi Petani Bertuah Riau, Suyanto. It was witnessed by every speaker and participant and be the sign of the same commitment to realize sustainable palm oil plantations in Riau Province.

The full supports from local government, such as, Head of Plantation and Livestock Agency District of Pelalawan, Akhtar emphasized to encourage sustainable palm oil plantations by involving many parties to implement strong collaboration in the province. Riau is on the right track heading to environmental palm oil plantation, improve smallholders’ welfare, and qualify standards in international level. (*)

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