Bumitama Drives Excellence through Nationwide Advancements and Innovations

Palm OIl Magazine
Doc. BGA

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Bumitama Gunajaya Agro (BGA) is a company dedicated to adopting a sustainable business approach and recognizing the importance of continuous improvement and innovation as an annual flagship initiative.

In 2023, the Bumitama Improvement and Innovation Convention marks its fourth year. It engages every member of the organization, from individuals to entire departments, in a collaborative effort. The objective is to bolster operational excellence, enhance performance, and strengthen the company’s competitive position in the market to achieve higher future standards.

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The superior work and process can be realized by implementing improvement sustainably. In on-going change – agro industrial landscape both in numbers and quality, many companies face the challenges to qualify and surpass the hope to get the best work and process.

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Many sustainable improvement projects were shown up in four categories, such as, agronomy, mill/traction, support and headquarter. Two main parameters would determine the winner: projects that would significantly deliver performance and could run widely in every company.

In 2022, 2.773 projects in total had appropriateness selection process by Convention Committee. 70% of them were proposals and breakthrough to improve the process while 30% (the rests) were the initiatives to create additional values to escalate productivity, work quality, accelerate process, optimize fund, create safer and more secured work environment, and escalate workers’ motivation.

“Every effort would not betray the result” would be the right sentence to describe the consistent commitment of the company. Though every effort ran internally, Bumitama consistently delivered its representatives to the convention in national level. The fact showed the commitment paid off because Bumitama got incredible recognition by winning golden award in prestigious event – OPEXCON 2022 (Indonesia Operational Excellence Conference and Award).

“Bumitama successfully controlled pests the ‘Oryctes rhinoceros’ by using Entomopatogen Metarhizium anisopliae mold. It reduced the loss of production and plantation death because of pest attack,” Head of Corporate Planning and Continuous Improvement BGA Group, Ibnul Khomisi Khoiri said, as in the official statement to Palmoilmagazine.com, Friday, 22 September 2023.

Following the previous success for getting platinum award, Bumitama got three awards in TKMPN 2022 (Temu Karya Mutu & Produktivitas Nasional), two platinum award and one silver award. Every achievement would be motivation for the company to keep innovating and improving in every year.

“Through Improvement and Innovation Convention sustainably, Bumitama believes that the both are the successful keys, not only for the company but for palm oil industries in a whole,” Ibnul Khomisi said. (T2)

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