PTPN IV PalmCo Embraces Digital Technology with Innovative Solutions for Palm Oil Cultivation

Palm Oil Magazine
PTPN IV PalmCo Embraces Digital Technology with Innovative Solutions for Palm Oil Cultivation. Photo by: Sawit Fest 2021 / Miftahurrohman

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Among the many palm oil plantations in Indonesia, PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) IV PalmCo, a government-owned company, has embraced digital technology to enhance its operations.

Muhammad Aji Priyatna, Head of the Information Technology Division at PTPN IV PalmCo, explained that the company is advancing its digital initiatives through the Palm Oil Digitalization Project, also known as Digitalization for PalmCo 4.0. This project incorporates several technological innovations, including:

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  • Digital Farming: A comprehensive application for recording and managing palm oil and rubber production results.
  • Mill Indicator Monitoring System: An IoT-based system that monitors critical mill parameters such as temperature, pressure, water pH, and laboratory samples.
  • ERP/SAP Integration: The implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with seven dashboards to streamline business processes.
  • AGHRIS Platform: A human resource management application featuring various modules, including health risk assessment.

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These advancements reflect PTPN IV PalmCo’s commitment to modernizing its operations and improving efficiency through technology.

Besides, drone is used to map, mechanism, and other needs. Geographic information system (GIS) is implemented through mobile application – GIS PTPN that covers the feature of paths, pest, harvest, fertilizers, and nursery as the survey and report inputs.

“We do implement mechanism in Smart Bin and IT Maturity Level, which mean, to measure the level of IT maturity in PTPN regularly in every year,” Muhammad Aji said in a national – scale seminar that attended in May 2024.

He also explained that the digital and mechanism concepts would be implemented based on plantation digitalization roadmap holding that started since 2023 and would last in 2027.

The digitalization started from the plantation work to the final process out of the plantations. Through digital farming, the cultivation process would be controlled and followed up to control tower dashboard in the main plantations, and digtal farming would be for production transportation to SAP. (P2)

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