Smallholder Replanting Program in Riau Reaches 4,150 Hectares, Out of the 10,550 Hectare Target

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Sawit Fest 2021 / Caca Asep Saputra / Smallholders replanting program (SRP) realization in Riau Province in 2023 could cover 4.150 hectares or equal to 39,5 percent of the first target that should cover 10.550 hectares.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, PEKANBARU – Smallholders replanting program (SRP) realization in Riau Province in 2023 could cover 4.150 hectares or equal to 39,5 percent of the first target that should cover 10.550 hectares. The success is the evidence of commitment of Riau Province to support SRP program as same as the policy in national scale.

Governor of Riau, Syamsuar said that Riau Province would also accelerate the program to be 60,5 percent in many districts/cities in Riau.

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SRP delivers positive impacts in District of Rokan Hilir in 2023 where the program covered 578 hectares or surpassed the targets that should be 500 hectares. Syamsuar guaranteed that Riau Province would always support every smallholder that join SRP.

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“Palm oil trees are not productive anymore and the smallholders’ income got cheaper. SRP is the significant thing to escalate the smallholders’ welfare,” Syamsuar said in Village of Kencana, Sub district of Balai Jaya, District of Rokan Hilir, as quoted from Antara.

He also shared his experience when being the Regent of Siak. He directly went to every village to deliver understanding for smallholders about SRP. This was about to encourage them and did participation in SRP.

Meanwhile, Chairman of KUD Karya Sawitri, H Paidi did appreciate Governor Syamsuar because his presence in the first harvest that laid about 76 hectare from KUD Karya Sawitri in package D to be the real evidence of commitment and support of the government in SRP. (T2)

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