Ensuring the Protection of Palm Oil Data in Siperibun

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Palmoilmagazine.com

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Self-reporting through the Sistem Informasi Perizinan Perkebunan (Siperibun) is an excellent concept. This system would consolidate data encompassing all stages from obtaining permits, land rights, area status, to production and trade.

“This implies that every operation can be closely monitored by the government. The policy aims to expedite industrial activities, focusing on optimizing production and enhancing the precision and effectiveness of sustainability measures,” remarked Kacuk Sumarto, Chairman of Rumah Sawit Indonesia (RSI)

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But he continued, for the self-reporting would provide transparent data, it needs responsibility from those in charge about data or information holders to keep everything in secret. “In order that others as competitors would not weaken our planters’ bargaining position,” he said.

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He thought that self-reporting forced every planter to be open, no more ‘hide and seek’ game about tax, retribution, and other obligations according to available regulations.

“As the feedback, the government should really encourage and deliver easiness for palm oil plantation companies. Do not burden them with many regulations which deliver barrier,” Kacuk said.

Chairman of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA), Eddy Martono encouraged the government of Indonesia to get the right data about palm oil sector by having self-reporting through Siperibun.

“By having the good and right data, there would be right policy as well,” he recently said in the early of July 2023. (T2)

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