Koperasi Plasma Menjelutung Halts Production, Urges Resolution of Business Surplus Issue with PT Pipit Citra Perdana

Palm Oil Magazine
Koperasi Plasma Menjelutung Halts Production, Urges Resolution of Business Surplus Issue with PT Pipit Citra Perdana. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, MAJELUTUNG – Koperasi Usaha Bersama Plasma Menjelutung Perdana Lestari (KUB.PMPL), along with 235 plasma smallholder families, decided to temporarily halt their palm oil plantation activities starting on September 27, 2024. This move was in response to the unresolved issue of business surplus allocation at PT Pipit Citra Perdana (PCP).

KUB.PMPL coordinators stated that the suspension was necessary to safeguard the rights and welfare of workers involved in the plantations. They urged PT Pipit Citra Perdana to promptly address the unclear business surplus calculations, which have caused confusion among the Menjelutung villagers who participate as plasma smallholders in the company.

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“We want PT Pipit Citra Perdana to take immediate action to resolve the issue so that people’s rights are protected, and operations can return to normal,” said Ares Wahyudi, Secretary of KUB.PMPL, in an official statement to Palmoilmagazine.com on Friday, September 27, 2024.

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He also highlighted that between 2020 and 2023, the plasma cooperation suffered losses exceeding 2 billion rupiah and called on the company to take responsibility for managing the plantations both administratively and technically.

“We assume the company does not professionally manage and cultivate the plasma plantations,” Ares said.

There was no official response from PT Pipit Citra Perdana about the claim. The people and the cooperation hoped that the company would solve it for the sustainable operation and the people’s welfare that depended on the plasma business.

The tension between the two showed that it would be significant to be transparent and professional when having plasma scheme to deliver justice for the people involved in palm oil plantation industries. (P2)

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