PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Rainfall is a crucial factor for successful palm oil plantation cultivation. Adequate [Read More]
Category: Agronomy
Bincang-Bincang Sawit: Marginal Plantations Can Achieve Higher Harvests Through Effective Cultivation
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Marginal areas, often perceived as unproductive, can actually yield good harvests if [Read More]
Optimal Timing for Planting Palm Oil Seeds: Late Dry Season or Rainy Season Recommended
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Selecting the optimal time for planting palm oil seeds is crucial for [Read More]
Effective Palm Oil Plantation Strategies for Smallholders: Insights from PPKS Medan
PALMOILMAGAZINE, MEDAN – Many smallholders begin developing their plantations with great effort and determination, finding [Read More]
Don’t Insert Immature Trees Among Productive Ones: Here’s Why
PALMOILMAGAZINE, MEDAN – Introducing immature palm oil trees among mature, productive ones will not effectively [Read More]
Utilizing Empty Fruit Bunches in Palm Oil Plantations
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Using empty fruit bunches as organic fertilizer in palm oil plantations is [Read More]
Tolerant Palm Oil Seed Varieties to Combat Ganoderma
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Agus Susanto from the Plantation Protection Research Team of PPKS highlighted the [Read More]
AI Technology Transforms Palm Oil Industry: Boosting Efficiency and Precision in Harvesting
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – One of the latest innovations in the palm oil industry is the [Read More]
Enhancing Palm Oil Productivity: The Role of Castration in Improving FFB Quality
PALMOILMAGAZINE, SUNGAILIAT – Palm oil castration is a crucial process to enhance plantation productivity and [Read More]
Unveiling the Role of Cow Feces in Plant Defense Against Ganoderma Fungus
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Some have suggested that using cow feces as fertilizer could exacerbate early [Read More]
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