PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Selecting the optimal time for planting palm oil seeds is crucial for successful cultivation. Recent advice suggests that planting during the dry season is not necessary. Agricultural experts emphasize the importance of timing to maximize growth potential.
It is recommended to plant palm oil seeds at the end of the dry season or, ideally, during the rainy season. This timing allows the plants to establish strong root systems before the onset of the next dry season. Robust roots will better equip the plants to withstand dry or hot conditions, which are common during droughts.
“Choosing the right time would be very crucial for palm oil to get growth. When planting it in bad/wrong time, there would be big challenges when it grows,” the notes said,” as quoted from the official facebook of Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (PPKS), Monday (19/8/2024).
Also Read: Assessing the Influence of Drought on Palm Oil Production
The smallholders and planters should carefully notice the right climate and time to plant palm oil to maximize the plantation productivity. The right decision would potentially escalate the harvest, but minimize the risks that would have something to do with the growth negatively. (P2)