PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Chairman of the Steering Team of the Taskforce for Improving Palm Oil Governance and Revenue Optimization, who also serves as the Coordinator Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, stated that self-reporting would have a positive impact on accelerating palm oil plantation issues in forest areas, in accordance with Chapters 110A and 110B of the Job Creation Law.
The taskforce is providing a final opportunity for companies to register and enhance the quality of their data, which will be available from August 23 to September 8, 2023.
“I emphasize that companies that have been listed in the Decision of Data and Information and are currently being processed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry are obligated to report their data to Siperibun without exception,” said Pandjaitan, as stated in the official statement to Palmoilmagazine.comon Wednesday (August 23, 2023).
Also Read : Luhut Pandjaitan Calls for Palm Oil Plantation Companies to Self-Report or Face Firm Action
In this context, he also mentioned that several companies listed in the Decision of Data and Information have not engaged in self-reporting to Siperibun. Data from the taskforce shows that 647 companies identified in the Decision of Data and Information have not conducted self-reporting. He also encouraged these companies to fulfill their obligations in improving the governance of the palm oil industry and optimizing the nation’s revenue from this sector.
To maintain transparency and prioritize accountability, the palm oil taskforce is coordinating with the Prosecutor’s Office and the Corruption Eradication Commission to verify every piece of data in Siperibun. This is to ensure that the verification process proceeds smoothly and in accordance with all established principles.
“Companies must participate in verifying their data and provide constructive contributions. We emphasize our commitment to conducting the process fairly and firmly. Once again, we will provide an opportunity for every company to comply with self-reporting. However, for companies that fail to report, the government will take resolute action,” stated Pandjaitan.
The palm oil taskforce mentioned that a total of 1,870 companies participated in self-reporting in the Sistem Informasi Perizinan Perkebunan or Siperibun. This number increased from the previous 959 companies. Unfortunately, approximately 700 companies have not reported their data to Siperibun.
In the evaluation, it was found that some companies did not upload their maps in digital formats regarding business rights permits, location permits, plantation businesses, and plantation realizations. Additionally, companies are also required to upload permits in scanning format, map attachments in PDF format, and the aforementioned permits.
These issues can be seen from the fact that only 669 digital maps of location permits and 835 digital maps of plantation business permits have been uploaded into Siperibun out of the total number of participating companies. The taskforce is granting a second chance for these companies to enhance the quality of their data from August 23 to September 9, 2023. (T2)