Governor Edy Rahmayadi Highlighted the Need for Equitable Distribution of Palm Oil Advantages

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. / Edy Rahmayadi, the Governor of North Sumatera

PALMOILMAGAZINE, MEDAN – Edy Rahmayadi, the Governor of North Sumatra, emphasized that although the palm oil industry generates substantial revenue for the province, the benefits derived from this sector are not evenly distributed. Despite being the largest contributor to the province’s economy, certain disparities exist in terms of how different stakeholders and regions within North Sumatra benefit from the palm oil industry.

Governor Rahmayadi highlighted the need for equitable distribution of palm oil advantages to ensure a more inclusive and balanced development across the province.

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“Palm oil industries damaged way in North Sumatera. More than 3.000 kilometers of way in North Sumatera get damages, including in palm oil centers,” he said when inaugurating the coordinators of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA) North Sumatera in Medan where attended, Wednesday (5/7/2023).

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He urged, the coordinators of IPOA including in North Sumatera should not take it personal or think that he is angry.

Edy continued he did not want to pretend by saying congratulation for new IPOA coordinators in North Sumatera if the condition is not good. He wanted to tell everyone with honest about what palm oil sector would give to welfare the people of North Sumatera.

He also urged Chairman of IPOA, Edi Martono to tell the central government in Jakarta so that the exchange from palm oil industries should be allocated to develop North Sumatera. The governor was hard to pay honorary teachers because of limited fund. He also criticized that there were lacks of collaboration between regional government and palm oil stakeholders.

The inauguration was attended by Chairman of IPOA, Edi Martono, General Secretary Muhamad Hadi Sugeng, Mukti Sarjono, and other coordinators. Besides, some IPOA coordinators from other regions attended it, such as, Edy Rusmawanto from Jambi and M. Djafarsyah from East Kalimantan. From North Sumatera Province, Head of Plantation and Livestock Agency, Lies Handayani Siregar, Head of Economy Bureau Secretariat of North Sumatera, Naslindo Sirait did attend. Coordinators or management of smallholders’ associations in the province attended, such as, Syarifudin Sirait (I Chairman of Aspek-PIR), Gus Dalhari Harahap (Apkasindo), and Indra Muda Pasaribu (SAMADE). (T5)

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