Tragic Crocodile Attack Shocks Palm Oil Plantation Workers in West Kalimantan

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Special / The victim was fulfilling water tank from the river in the plantations to spray weed toxic.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, KETAPANG – In the Village of Air Hitam Besar, Subdistrict of Kendawangan, District of Ketapang, a heartbreaking incident occurred that left workers at PT BNS palm oil plantations in shock. On Thursday, 27th July 2023, at approximately 8 in the morning, a 38-year-old female labor from Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) was tragically attacked by a crocodile while carrying out her duties in the plantations.

According to the official documents from Police Chief of Ketapang, AKBP Tommy Ferdian, the victim was fulfilling water tank from the river in the plantations to spray weed toxic. Sadly, the river is full of bushes where crocodiles hide. One of the crocodiles, pounced the victim and dragged her into the water. She had to struggle to release herself for about one and half hour.

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The victim’s co-workers that witnessed the horrible thing tried to lay hand. “They shouted to ask for help from harvesters around the spot and immediately called for the victim’s family to immediately save her from the vicious crocodile,” Tommy said, as quoted from Suara Ketapang.

Not only that, the victim’s co-workers bravely saved her. At 10.30 a.m. the victim could be saved and rushed to the nearest health clinic of PT. SKS in Village of Air Hitam Hulu to get the first aid.

Also Read: Promoting Sustainable Palm Oil for Local Development

She was badly in crisis. There are many injures in her left and right feet, calf, thigh, and her backbone. The victim was rushed to Rumah Sakit Imanuddin in Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan Province to get further medical treatment. (T2)

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