Luhut Pandjaitan Calls for Palm Oil Plantation Companies to Self-Report or Face Firm Action

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. / Coordinator Minister in Maritime and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – To enhance the governance of the palm oil industry and maximize revenue, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, the Coordinator Minister in Maritime and Investment and Chairman of the Taskforce for Improving Palm Oil Industrial Governance and Optimizing Revenue, has urged all plantation owners to promptly disclose their palm oil plantation data.

Pandjaitan expressed regret over the fact that a significant number of palm oil plantation companies have not yet uploaded their spatial documents during the self-reporting period, which was supposed to be available from 3 July to 3 August 2023.

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“Until now the taskforce still find that companies do not upload spatial documents. I suggest that the companies should deliver real data show your discipline to report the real condition to get accurate and transparent data,” he said, as in the official statement in Jakarta, Friday (28/7/2023).

As the way to escalate awareness and obedience, the taskforce did four socializations offline in some cities, such as, in Palangkaraya on 6 July 2023, Medan on 13 July 2023, Pekanbaru on 14 July 2023, and Jakarta on 17 July 2023. Besides, the taskforce did online socialization that involved many palm oil stakeholders.

Also Read : IPOA Support Self Reporting Via Siperibun

In the self-reporting, the companies are obliged to report, update the related information about their palm oil plantation areas. The report should complete data through Siperibun (Sistem Informasi Perizinan Perkebunan) that cover significant factors, such as, location permit, plantation business permit, business rights in spatial and tabular formats. Besides, the companies should inform their plantation realization.

The taskforce urged the companies to upload spatial maps in the companies’ version and to be verified. But in the implementation, the taskforce found that some companies do not obey this significant terms and conditions.

Pandjaitan continued, the taskforce understood that self-reporting would be important not only to optimize the revenue but to deliver solution on palm oil plantations in forest regions.

The obedience on Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja (UUCK) Chapter 110A and 110B would be important to encourage responsible practices in palm oil industries. In this case, the taskforce suggested the planters should take advantages on the valuable opportunity as good as very possible and contribute to implement sustainable practices.

Also Read: Promoting Palm Oil Plantation Governance in Indonesia through Self-Reporting via Siperibun

Panjaitan emphasized and asked for the planters to obey and improve palm oil plantation/industrial governance that the government does. The government itself would firmly act every planter that ignores the improvement.

After self-reporting has been done, the taskforce would get data verification from the companies. Every information uploaded would be matched with internal data to know the truth. If it is necessary, the companies would be called to clarify their palm oil plantation permits.

It would be easy for the representatives of companies to ask about Siperibun. Every question can be delivered through special hotline through Telegram at +62 821-2446-6597. The professional and responsive team in the taskforce would help every planter in need. (T2)

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