PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Rumah Sawit Indonesia (RSI), the officially legalized organization representing palm oil stakeholders and smallholders, is dedicated to collaborating with the government in formulating comprehensive policies for the entire palm oil industry, spanning from upstream to downstream sectors.
The aim is to create a holistic set of policies that encompasses not only plantations but also the entire supply chain within the palm oil industry.
Kacuk Sumarto, Chairman of RSI, emphasized that addressing policies related to palm oil requires collective efforts, as solutions cannot be achieved by a single entity. Any partial policy may lead to losses for various stakeholders in the palm oil supply chain. “Policy(ies) about palm oil should not use one party – approach only,” he said in RSI media gathering that attended, Thursday (4/1/24) in Jakarta.
Also Read: Rumah Sawit Indonesia Was Declared in Medan
He said, the big impacts from crude palm oil (CPO) export ban to fulfill palm cooking oil material in this country (some time ago), covered many issues, such as, CPO transportation that made it late up to four months.
He also talked about palm oil category as forest areas. He thought, Ministry of Agrarian Affairs/National Land Agency is responsible on the sentence about palm oil plantations that got business rights but the plantations are categorized as forest regions by Ministry of Environment and Forestry, including palm oil plantation bleaching for about 2,2 million hectares that got business rights. Actually, Ministry of Agrarian Affairs/National Land Agency should protest it.
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He also said that RSI was established not by the plantation companies but also other parties that support palm oil commodities. RSI was established by 17 individuals that represented personals and companies and they are stakeholders. On 23 June 2023, RSI was officially declared at Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (PPKS) in Medan, North Sumatera Province.
RSI is about to be the voice that gathers many perspectives, interests in palm oil industries, confirming that policy(ies) would be holistic and supporting sustainability in this sector. RSI would play its roles as the constructive partner of the government to make policy(ies) that would have something to do in the future palm oil in this country. (T2)