Five Subsidiaries of TLDN Got 2023 Zero Accident Award from Ministry of Labor

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Sawit Fest 2021 / Arie Basuki

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Five subsidiaries of PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk (TLDN) have been honored with the 2023 Zero Accident Award by the Ministry of Labor. The awarded subsidiaries include PT Tanjung Buyu Perkasa Plantation – Talisayan Factory, PT Telen – Pangadan Baay Factory and Bukit Permata Factory, PT Telen Prima Sawit – Muara Bengkal Factory, PT Cahaya Anugerah Plantation – Feliza Factory, and PT Multi Jayantara Abadi – Tanjung Harapan Factory.

It means every mill of TLDN got the same award this year from Ministry of Labor. It was handed over by Minister of Labor, Ida Fauziyah together with General Directorate of Labor Inspection Development and Safety and Healthy Ministry of Labor, Haiyani Rumondang to the subsidiaries through province governor at the Penganugerahan K3 2023 event in Jakarta, Thursday 22 June 2023.

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Director of TLDN, Wishnu Wardhana said the achievement was the result of hard work from management and workers (labors) in the companies to honor work health and safety “We are committed that the companies would deliver rights of the workers in health and safety in the future,” he said, as in the official statement to, Sunday (25/6/2023).

Director of Sustainability TLDN, Yayan Handian Ginanjar told that TLDN keeps doing everything to qualify work health and safety for its workers because this is the responsibility of the company that provides employment.

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Yayan also mentioned, some things that TLDN did in the first place to protect the workers from work health and safety risks are by arranging identification, danger assessment through proactive and preventive series through Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Determining Control (HIRADC) in the internal of the company.

“HIRADC is the realization of Government’s Regulation Number 50 / 2012 about Work Healthy and Safety Management System or Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) that regulates that a company should identify danger, assess risks, and determine danger control,” he said.

Prior Minister of Labor, Ida Fauziyah told that the government always takes and encourages companies, management of companies to consistently implement work health and safety management system as available regulations. It means work healthy and safety can attach to every individual in the company to realize labors’ productivity.

“If we make work healthy and safety as a culture, Insya Allah our productivity would escalate. For the past few years this showed the good result. Numbers of company could maintain zero accident in every year,” she said in the event, Thursday (22/6/2023).

Ida hoped work healthy and safety could motivate other companies’ management to maintain it because work healthy and safety is investment to business sustainability and increase companies’ productivity. (T2)

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