Two Schemes – ISPO and RSPO Keep Running to be Harmonized

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Special / Director of Plantation Result Marketing and Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, Prayudi Syamsuri said, it is no need to compare RSPO and ISPO to develop palm oil plantations in Indonesia, just go with the two.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – In order to enhance the efficiency of sustainable palm oil practices, efforts are being made to harmonize two schemes – the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). However, the question remains whether these two sustainable certification schemes can achieve harmony.

Sustainable palm oil practices have become a prerequisite in global palm oil trade, although not all consumer countries enforce this requirement. Nevertheless, many countries choose to adopt sustainable certificates when engaging in palm oil trade.

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Prior in 2004 Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was established to be answer of accusation that said palm oil was irresponsibly produced.

As it goes, RSPO is not the only certification system in the world. In 2011 Indonesia decided to publish Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil as sustainable palm oil scheme.

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The two schemes run in Indonesia but the field facts, one is voluntary and the other is obligation. Many thought the two impacts to long process and spent much to get.

The two schemes may be similar but different as well. Many suggested to harmonize the two schemes. In addition, the two have the same goal, which is, implementing sustainable, environmental, and social cultivation.

Director of Plantation Result Marketing and Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, Prayudi Syamsuri said, it is no need to compare RSPO and ISPO to develop palm oil plantations in Indonesia, just go with the two.

“No need to debate RSPO and ISPO. The two fundamentally have the same will, to develop sustainable palm oil plantation,” Prayudi said in a palm oil discussion with CIPS that attended by the late of March 2023.

Prayudi also mentioned to get public trust, stakeholders or planters can choose the two certificates but one thing for sure, certification scheme is about to convince the people in the world that palm oil plantations are sustainably cultivated.

In the process, the stakeholders can deliver input to ISPO monitor, in this case, the government and palm oil industrial associations. (T2)

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